Sunday 6 April 2014

“The benefits of reading, writing, and math does not outweigh the need for children to learn to work and play together.”  --John Wilson

Dear Families,
I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend with your family!  Today (Sunday) is sunny and bright J I hope you get lots of time outside to enjoy the sun and soak in the much needed Vitamin D!  I always feel so refreshed and rejuvenated with clear skies and the sun beaming its energy upon us.  After this post, I’ll be venturing into the woods for a nice afternoon walk!  I can’t wait J
Character Recognition Assembly:
On Monday we will be having an assembly to celebrate all our recipients for the Character Trait of INTEGRITY – “We can always be trusted even when NO ONE IS WATCHING!”  I have shared with my students how I feel this trait encompasses all our character traits that we have focused on thus far.  I believe if a person demonstrates integrity they also possess respect, caring, cooperation, inclusiveness, empathy, and responsibility.  I am comforted in knowing that WE at New Lowell are truly surrounded with many students who consistently model integrity in their actions.
Congratulations to Anjoli, Mikaila, and Alexander for being recognized for displaying Integrity in your thoughts, words, and actions.  You all have worked diligently hard to demonstrate this trait and I am so very proud of your efforts!  Continue to be your best selves in all that you do!  This month’s (April) character trait focuses on OPTIMISIM– “We believe we can DO IT.  We never give up” From very early on in our school year, I have encouraged my students to always put in their level four personal best in all their academic, social, and behavioural experiences.  I am never looking for “perfect” only your child’s best efforts.  I am delighted to share that most students do their BEST and listen to constructive feedback to improve their achievements!  In addition, we were fortunate that Mrs. Bell invited a keynote speaker by the name of John Parkes to help reinforce the powerful message of PERSEVERANCE - “We try and try again!”  This truly has remained in our hearts as many fondly think of and remember Mr. Parkes!
Hatching Baby Chicks!!!
Incubator (Mother Hen) keeping our eggs warm & cozy!

Fiction & Non-Fiction texts to help reinforce and consolidate our learning!

It is with excitement and joy that I share with you all the newest members of our school community – fertilized chick and duck eggs!  In March, I celebrated my birthday and one of the gifts that I received from my dear friends Mr. and Mrs. Roth was an incubator!  I am so grateful for this because I get to share the journey and life cycle of these wonderful animals with my current and future students!  Thank you so much to the Roths! 
On Tuesday, your child had the opportunity to carefully place one fertilized egg on the rotator in our incubator.  I was so impressed with their gentle and respectful ways as all wanted to ensure that the eggs were safely placed and ready to begin their journey …

30 Fertilized Eggs!  Can you spot the 'Ducks?'

Mrs. Roth

Mrs. Roth thoughtfully engaging all students through the use of technology and using purposeful resources!

On Thursday morning, Mrs. Roth joined our learning community to inspire, guide, teach, and support our Chick Development Learning!  When I shared this news with your child, his/her face lit up as many have connected on an endearing and loving level with her.  Mrs. Roth is a retired educator, but still puts in countless hours to continue supporting me (and various other teachers) in my teaching.  It is because of her that I have shared this new experience with this year’s class.  Exciting times!!!  In her lesson, she shared many important facts about the life cycle of chicks, new scientific vocabulary, engaging songs, an eye-opening video clip, and many interesting non-fiction texts to help us all get an understanding of this process (we were also fortunate to receive 'egg' treats from her visit - yummy!).  I know I learned a lot too!  The students were then given the opportunity to record some of their new learnings to share with their peers.  THANK YOU, Mrs. Roth!  Your teachings and compassion reached the hearts and minds of every learner.  You are a gifted and amazing educator!  We’re so fortunate to have YOU part of our Classroom Family.  We look forward to your next lesson and visit!

Carrie-ann, Steven, and Grace recording new learnings from their science lesson

All eyes, ears, and hearts ready to learn!

"Boom, boom, down in the barn yard, down in the barn yard BOOM!"

Mrs. Roth engaging all in "The Seed Song!"

A moment of sharing and consolidating with Jakob :)

Doing what she does best - always listening, engaging and making TIME for children to share their VOICE!

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count.  It’s the LIFE IN YOUR YEARS!” 
-- Abraham Lincoln
Miss Gill

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