Sunday 17 November 2013

Dear Families,

Is it mid-Nov.?!  WOW, the temperature this weekend was feeling more like spring!  I don't know about you, but I adore the warmer climate, but do appreciate the snow for all the winter fun like snow-shoeing, skiing and snowboarding.  I spent the weekend 'winterizing' and ensuring my home is ready for the cooler weather which will be here oh so soon :-)  I hope you had a delightful weekend with your loved ones and enjoyed the beautiful weather. 

Student-Led Conferences:
It was a true pleasure meeting with all my students' families last week.  Thank you for taking the time to attend and help celebrate and enjoy all your child's achievements thus far in the school year.  I was so proud of each learner as they diligently led the interview beautifully by sharing their self-assessment (Progress Report), and their "Star" and "Arrow" pieces of work.  It was their chance to shine and they certainly lit up our hearts and minds!  Throughout the Conferences, I experienced many heart-warming moments with parents and I deeply appreciate and value all your positive and constructive feedback.  I will use it to continue to provide my best as an educator for your child's academic, social, and behavioural needs.  Meeting the needs of my students is of utmost importance to me and I will always work hard to ensure they receive a compassionate, caring, and safe environment to learn in.  Again, thank you for your support, cooperation, and understanding.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.

Here are a few pictures of my students working on their Progress Reports in class and contributing their thinking to our Success Criteria for Learning Skills.  Enjoy :)

Gracious Grace, Wonderful Wyatt, Outstanding Owen
Steven, Grace, Owen

Owen ensuring his thinking 'Looks Right!  Sounds Right!  Makes Sense!

Izzy sharing her criteria for Self-Regulation
Terrific Trista goal-setting!
Brilliant Bradley ready for the camera and starting his self-assessment!
Jovial Julia always putting in her personal best to achieve her goals!
Mrs. Roth:
I would like to introduce you to a very special educator, mentor, friend and person in my life.  There are many parents who may have heard about "Mrs. Roth" in their homes through their child's T.W.A.S, Mother Earth Treasures, The Talking Stick, Love Can Build A Bridge, colourful bandanas, her visit to our classroom and seeing her at our Cooperation Assembly. 
Mrs. Roth is a cherished member of our Learning Community.  She has contributed her time, efforts, love with us all.  Her passion for helping children grow into their best selves is most admirable and valued.  She came into our Learning Community to help celebrate your child at our Character Education assembly.  I know it meant a lot to the students to finally meet her and get to know the compassionate, caring, and thoughtful person she is.  Thank you Mrs. Roth for consistently supporting, loving and caring about our learning!  We HONOUR YOU.  xo.

Wonderful William and attentive Mrs. Roth sharing a moment about the 'Golden Rule!'

Mrs. Roth had each learner provide feedback about their experience performing 'Love Can Build A Bridge.'

We did it!  So proud of my students for their excellent performance at the Cooperation Assembly!

Sensational Sammi, Respectful Ryan, Amazing Alexandra - thank you Mrs. Roth for the delicious treats!

Love Can Build A Bridge - we are the EVIDENCE! 
Cooperation Recipients:
Congratulations to Steven, Julia, and Trista for demonstrating cooperation in your thoughts, words and actions!  You are a model for 'Working Together To Get the Job Done!'  Thank you for setting a positive example in and out of the classroom!

Our Cooperative Recipients - Spectacular Steven, Jolly Julia, and Terrific Trista!  Well done!

Letters to Parents:
Last week, I sent a number of letters home to parents regarding the various New Learnings for different subject area.  For example, I sent home a note about our Social Studies, Health, and Math (they were stapled together on coloured paper).  Please do take the time to sit with your child and discuss the new Learning Goals for these subjects as this provides you both with key information that is being discussed at school.  Thank you in advance for those families who do this, it makes a remarkable difference in your child's learning.

Last week's "Extra Math Practice" focussed on multiplying numbers.  In class, we are learning various ways/strategies to multiply numbers: namely - repeated addition, using arrays, creating groups, the Lattice Method, practicing with flashcards.  When I was growing up as a child, I spent a lot of time practicing my times tables at home over and over until I memorized my 1x - 12x tables.  However, in my classroom, I am doing my best to provide as many ways for my students to practice and review their multiplication so they can become more confident in this area of math.  Having your support at home is greatly appreciated and valued.  Thank you.

"Enjoy the little things - for one day you will look back and discover they were the big things."  Thank you to Mrs. Roth's sister Heidi for introducing and sharing this beautiful quote with us!

Miss Gill



  1. To Miss Gill,
    That is a wonderful quote from Mrs.Roth's sister Heidi because its really powerful. I CANT BELIEVE I GOT THE CO-OPERATION AWARD THAT WAS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! The pictures you have took of our class and Mrs.Roth were great but I wish I was their to see her. My mom said I did a really great job at the student led conference and so did you to. P.S.My mom and I love you as my teacher.

    1. Dear Trista,
      Thank you for posting on our Classroom Blog this week again - it truly means a lot to me and I always get excited for your replies. I am proud of you for receiving the Cooperation Award, you deserve it. I was also proud of you for beautifully leading the Conference last week, I was beaming inside and out, you are a light! Keep smiling and always know I am here for you. It is an HONOUR to teach and learn from you, Trista. Your grateful teacher, Miss Gill

    2. Ps: Mrs. Roth will be visiting our Classroom Community again soon, and I know she's excited to meet and get to know terrific YOU!
