Sunday 10 November 2013

Goal Setting to Improve Student Achievement!

Dear Families,                                                                           

This morning all staff and students participated in a Remembrance Day assembly to express our love, honour and gratitude to all those who have, are and will serve our country.  We truly are blessed to live in such a safe, caring and beautiful Canada.  As you know, each day as a whole school we sing O'Canada, as a teacher, during this time, I ensure that my students and I demonstrate our utmost respect and take time in our own way to say 'thank you' for being part of a wonderful community, country, and world.

'Success Criteria' for Learning Skills & Work Habits:

In my last post, I had mentioned that I would like for you and your child to go over the 'Learning Skills' and 'Work Habits' portion of the Progress Report.  I hope you enjoyed this process over the weekend.  In class, I had my students work in small groups to collaborate as a team to come up with their own 'Expectations' and 'Criteria' of what each Learning Skill "Looks Like, Sounds Like, and Feels Like."  The purpose of this activity is to encourage my students to set goals to help them improve their achievement in the areas of Responsibility, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative, Organization and Self-Regulation.  We will be referring to their 'Criteria' that they've established throughout the school year.  I believe in the importance and value of having my students' input and voices heard.  I strongly feel this activity will serve as a purposeful tool in helping my learners put effective work habits into place to help them achieve their personal best in their academic, social and behavioural learning.

Here are some pictures (I apologize for most of them being sideways) of what the students came up with!  We'll have a closer look at these when I see you in our Learning Community for our Conference.

Last week, I also had my students write their own 'Progress Report' as a way for them to self-assess, celebrate their "Stars" (things they feel they do well), "Arrows" (areas of need) and 'Set Goals' for themselves in their learning.  Upon hearing that their teacher was getting them to write their own report card, many students' faces lit up as they felt it was their Chance to SHINE!  YES it is, as all my students are glowing lights :) Your child will be sharing his/her Progress Report (self-assessment) with you at the Student-Led Parent/Teacher Conference this week!    

Here are some students working hard at 'Goal Setting' to improve their achievement!  
Wonderful Wyatt!
Sensational Sammi!
Spectacular Steven!
Jolly Julia!
Anjoli, Sammi, Grace - sharing their 'Stars & Arrows'
Daniel, Owen, Wyatt - attentively listening to one another's achievements!
Alexandra, Carrie-ann - delighted to be partners to share their thinking!
I look forward to seeing you this Thursday (afternoon/evening) and Friday (morning) for our Conference.  It will be an exciting opportunity for us to celebrate your child and all the wonderful learning he/she has achieved thus far!  Until soon ... keep smiling :-)

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle which you may know nothing about.  Be kind.  Always."

Miss Gill


  1. Dear Miss Gill,
    The quote you have chose is a wonderful one because its for Remembrance Day. I think working in groups for the learning skills were great because probably everyone has a goal for one of those and mine is self-regulation. I like how you put little texts under the picture so you know what their doing.

  2. Dearest Trista,
    Thank you for posting on our Classroom Blog, I love hearing from you, it really shows me that you're engaged and excited about your learning! Thank you!
    I love finding interesting quotes and then sharing them with my students. I value your input and seeing that I do my best to link it with special celebrations such as Remembrance Day. I feel so grateful to live in a country that is safe and accepts people's differences. We are a fortunate bunch! Hope this message finds you with a ... SMILE :))) Namaste, Miss Gill
